
So here we are in the middle of a heatwave. Lately, I have been roaming around my apartment naked. Sometimes I wear an old pair of gym shorts that I have had for quite some time now, but I am naked most of the time when I am home. I live alone, so there is no big problem for anyone else. I am sitting at my desk nude as I type this, but the heat is still very intense. Not only that, but I am trying to revel in the freedom this gives me. I am able to truly relax and unwind when I am home alone and nude, but this heat is very determined to make me miserable. Cool showers help me get through days like this, and ice water is my best friend right now.

Earlier today, I joined a friend for lunch at a restaurant that is a favorite of us both. It felt good to get out of the house, but the heat was relentless. We both had a frozen Margarita with our early dinner. I had to laugh as my friend gave himself a “brain freeze” from his first drink of his Margarita. To be honest, the food really helped me get back on track. It was good to sit down to a good meal of Mexican food and a frozen margarita with a good friend.

We had fun while eating, laughing and talking about life in general. After we finished we drove back home with all the windows down and listening to classic rock. But as soon as I got home and wished my friend well I immediately stripped all my clothes off and got a bottle of water from the fridge. I am going to finish this post and go take another cool shower and hope the sun sets soon. Until next time my friends.

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